Adaro Mining x Supertype
How Supertype develop an end-to-end analytical infrastructure to facilitate real-time analytics and water level prediction for Adaro, a regional leader in coal mining and related operations.
How Supertype develop an end-to-end analytical infrastructure to facilitate real-time analytics and water level prediction for Adaro, a regional leader in coal mining and related operations.
How Supertype build a centralized, queryable API service and data archive for the central bank of Indonesia, helping the client harness the power of big data on understanding public opinion towards monetary policies across 100+ social media channels
Upgrading to Docker Compose V2 from legacy v1 without Docker Desktop
Why hiring software developers to write great software tests (unit tests) are not the same as performing quality assurance.
Developing in real life: Django REST Framework + testing your custom permissions in an API application with Talend API Tester or Postman
Unsure about hiring data analysts from Indonesia? Read on to see my thoughts on why this is an untapped market your business should seriously consider.