supertype consultancy

6 May 2023, Online Workshop

Tools of the Trade:
E-commerce Edition

Scaling E-Commerce Businesses With Data​

Who is this for?

If you own or handle marketing for an e-commerce business, whether that is on Shopify, or WooCommerce, or Amazon, or on a custom solution — the E-commerce edition is for you. 


$97 / pax


Online Video-Conferencing (Zoom)


930am to 1130am (EST / New York)
6 May, 2023

Tools of the Trade: e-commerce edition

Tools of the Trade puts the key drivers of growth behind the fastest growing e-commerce businesses in your hands. We systematically break down the “science” of e-commerce, and show you how to leverage data, analytics, predictive intelligence, automation and API connectivity to outgrow your competition and build a defensible growth engine for your e-commerce.

We are big on details. 

So this isn’t a high level, 30,000-foot view seminar that skim the surface. We dive into the specifics, the implementation details, the technical process that happens, and packed full of case studies. Everything we cover, you can implement for free — we’ll show you how. 

At the end of the day, we want to make sure you’ve received solid value from the session. If we fail at that, we ask for a quick feedback and will give you a full refund. 

6 Tools, 3 Segments


The 6 tools for e-commerce growth are broken down into three segments; (i) Systemise the unit economics of e-commerce, (ii) implementing a customer segmentation model that drives repeat-purchase from loyal customers and finally, scale your e-commerce activities by acquiring more users for less money.

Segment 1

0930 to 1015


Understanding the unit economics of e-commerce, and quantitatively assess the ‘health’ of your e-commerce business

Understanding LTV

Statistical models to estimate lifetime value (LTV) of your customers

RFM Analysis

The ‘divide-and-conquer’ strategy: harnessing intelligence for smarter segmentation and proactively engage your customers

Segment 2

1015 to 1100


Understanding customer segmentation methodologies and building your own ‘engagement’ model

Cohort Analysis

The foundation of behavioral analytics and identify revenue / retention “leaks” early on


Identifying your “at risk” customers, and proactively re-market to them before churn materialise

Segment 3

1100 to 1130


Understand the economics of user acquisition activities and key measurement frameworks

Data-backed User Acquisition

Measurement on ROAS (return on ad spend), optimize your acquisition activities

Automated Competitor Analysis

Build automation tools to learn what has worked for your competitors based on publicly available data (reviews, listed prices etc) and adjust your strategy accordingly

Workshop Format

  • Zoom video conferencing
  • Fully online and interactive
  • Live interaction and Q&A

You will receive materials, templates, notes and all sample scripts that we author for the purpose of the workshop.

Quick note: I will teach you how to use the scripts, even if you’ve never had any programming experience. 

Limited seats only.