Twitter Sentiment Analysis

1. Data Collection | Twitter ( Sentiment Analysis

End-to-end machine learning project on sentiment analysis. In this post, we will walk through the data collection process with distant supervision method.

In this series, I want to share an example of an end-to-end machine learning project on sentiment analysis, which is a rapidly growing field in natural language processing and machine learning. We will go over the entire process, starting from data collection and preprocessing, model building, creating a dashboard, and finally deploying our model and dashboard as an online application. In this first post, our main focus will be on data collection.

Data Collection

Before collecting the data, we need to define the objective of our project. Our objective is to predict the public's sentiment about a brand (product, service, company or person) based on tweet data. We will use the data collection methodology described in this paper (Twitter Sentiment Classification using Distant Supervision, Go, Bhayani, & Huang, 2009).

Distant supervision is a method that utilizes a set of rules to automatically label a dataset. Since it does not require human intervention, it can save a lot of time and resources, especially when working with large datasets. In our case, we will use emoticons to label the sentiment of the tweet. Specifically, a tweet with a smiley face emoticon will be labeled as positive, and a tweet with a frowning face emoticon will be labeled negative. We will use a library called snscrape to collect the tweets; it does not require using the Twitter API, so we can retrieve a large amount of tweets without worrying about the rate limit. In the following section we will walk through the codes and explain the logic behind them.

First we will import the necessary libraries, please install them first if you do not already have them.

!pip install snscrape
import snscrape.modules.twitter as sntwitter
import datetime as dt
import pandas as pd

Then we will make a function that utilizes sntwitter.TwitterSearchScraper to retrieve the tweets and save them in a dataframe. The function takes the following arguments:

  • search_term: the term you want to search for on Twitter
  • start_date: the start date of the search range in the format of object
  • end_date: the end date of the search range in the format of object
  • num_tweets: the number of tweets you want to retrieve

A for loop is used to iterate over and store the tweet data (username, date, and tweet content) returned by the get_items method of sntwitter.TwitterSearchScraper. We use lang:en (English language) and exclude:retweets as the search filters. The tweet data is finally returned as a dataframe.

def scrape_tweet(search_term, start_date, end_date, num_tweets):
    start_date = start_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    end_date = end_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    tweet_data = []
    for i, tweet in enumerate(
            "{} since:{} until:{} lang:en exclude:retweets".format(
                search_term, start_date, end_date
        if i >= num_tweets:
        tweet_data.append([tweet.user.username,, tweet.content])
    tweet_df = pd.DataFrame(tweet_data, columns=["username", "date", "tweet"])
    return tweet_df

For this project, we want to retrieve tweets from 2022-01-01 to 2022-12-31. So we make another function, daily_scrape_2022 which utilizes the scrape_tweet function to retrieve tweets for each day in 2022. We can specify the number of tweets we want to retrieve for each day using num_daily.

def daily_scrape_2022(search_term, num_daily):
    start_date = dt.datetime(2022, 1, 1)
    end_date = dt.datetime(2022, 1, 2)
    delta = dt.timedelta(days=1)
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    for n in range(365):
        temp_df = scrape_tweet(search_term, start_date, end_date, num_daily)
        df = pd.concat([df, temp_df])
        start_date += delta
        end_date += delta
    return df

Now we will use the daily_scrape_2022 function to retrieve 1000 tweets for each day in 2022. Tweets with negative sentiment will be searched with the term ":(" while tweets with positive sentiment will be searched with the term ":)".

ori_neg_df = daily_scrape_2022(":(", 1000)
ori_pos_df = daily_scrape_2022(":)", 1000)

The retrieved tweets do not always contain the specified search term, so we need to do some filtering. We create two functions, filter_include to include tweets containing a specific term and filter_exclude to exclude tweets containing a specific term. Note that both functions take a list of terms as the second argument, so we can filter multiple terms at once.

def filter_include(df, term_list):
    temp_df = pd.DataFrame()
    for term in term_list:
        add_df = df[df["tweet"].str.contains(term, regex=False) == True]
        temp_df = pd.concat([temp_df, add_df]).drop_duplicates(ignore_index=True)
def filter_exclude(df, term_list):
    temp_df = df.copy()
    for term in term_list:
        temp_df = temp_df[temp_df["tweet"].str.contains(term, regex=False) == False]
    return temp_df

For the negative tweets, first we will include tweets containing the term ":(" or ":-(", then exclude tweets containing the term ":)", ":D", or ":-)". Note that filter_exclude is done on neg_df, not ori_neg_df. Tweets with smiley face emoticon are excluded because we do not want to label tweets containing both frowning face and smiley face emoticons as negative. After filtering, we have 358624 tweets with negative sentiment.

neg_df = filter_include(ori_neg_df, [":(", ":-("])
neg_df = filter_exclude(neg_df, [":)", ":D", ":-)"])

(358624, 3)

Similar filtering is done for the positive tweets. After filtering, we have 343477 tweets with positive sentiment.

pos_df = filter_include(ori_pos_df, [":)", ":D", ":-)"])
pos_df = filter_exclude(pos_df, [":(", ":-("])

(343477, 3)

Next, we will remove all the emoticons used for filter_include from the tweets. This is required because we want our model to classify the sentiment based on the words instead of the emoticons. If we include the emoticons in the training data, the model will have poor generalization performance because the emoticons may not be present in real-world data.

def remove_term(df, term_list):
    temp_df = df.copy()
    for term in term_list:
        temp_df["tweet"] = temp_df["tweet"].str.replace(term, " ", regex=False)
    return temp_df
neg_df = remove_term(neg_df, [":(", ":-("])
pos_df = remove_term(pos_df, [":)", ":D", ":-)"])

Last we will label the sentiment of the tweets and combine them into one dataframe.

neg_df["sentiment"] = "Negative"
pos_df["sentiment"] = "Positive"
df = pd.concat([neg_df, pos_df]).reset_index(drop=True)
df.to_csv("/content/drive/MyDrive/dataset/labeled_tweets.csv", index=False)

So now we have collected our training data through distant supervision. In the next post, we will walk through the steps of text preprocessing and word embedding, then use it to build a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model. Stay tuned!

Further reading

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