Technical Writing for Analytics Professionals
Technical writing is the most overlooked skill by software engineers and analytics professionals. This is a set of pedagogical strategies and practical tips to improve your technical writing.
Feb 25, 2025 ยท Samuel Chan
Technical Writing
This is an instructional guide for anyone relatively new to technical writing. It is not a comprehensive guide, but it encapsulates the more important aspects of writing and offer some practical tips you can immediately incorporate into your writing. It is not specific to the analytics profession or to a particular subset of the data science profession, but it is written with that audience in mind.
The Case for Writing Well
'Notes aren't a record of my thinking process. They are my thinking process.'
- Richard Feynman.
Writing is the product. As software engineers and analytics developers, we are often tasked with writing code, and we spend an enormous amount of our life improving this skill. However, any software developers will tell you that writing code is only a small part of the job. In the industry, the quality of your communication is just as important as the quality of your code. Treating your writing as a product and putting it on equal footing with your code means you should strive to improve your writing (and overall communication) skills as much as you improve your coding skills.
Your ideas deserved to be judged on their merit. If you cannot write well, you are doing your ideas a disservice. You are not giving them the best chance to be understood and appreciated.
It's often the only evidence of your expertise. Up to 90% of your readers will never have the opportunity to meet you in person, or code with you, or watch you deliver a live demo. This is a pretty sobering realization, because it means to the vast majority of people, that piece of writing is the key evidence of your competencies, your level of training, and your intellectual faculties. This is deeply unfair, but the sooner you acknowledge it, the sooner you can work on your written communication skills.
Writing is a device for thinking. It is how you formulate ideas, before organizing them into a coherent narrative. As you edit and revise, you are forced to think about your ideas from different vantage points. It is how you form internal connections between ideas, and posits new arguments and counterarguments. A good writer foster a habit of good thinking, and a sloppy writer is often an indication of disjointed thinking.
The following guide is my attempt to crystallize the practices I have followed in my own writing, and I hope it will be useful to you as well.
Pedagogical Strategies
Techniques of Technical Writing
Use the active voice.
- "RStudio will display a message" rather than "A message will be displayed by RStudio."
- "RStudio will display a message" is more direct and concise.
- "Wrap the following Python code with a decorator" rather than "The following Python code should be wrapped in a decorator."
Use "we" instead of "you" or "I."
- "Next, we will apply our transformation to the input tensor" rather than "Next, you will apply your transformation to the input tensor."
- Instead of "take a look at this dashboard, what do you think about its user-friendliness?" Ask, "Let us take a look at this dashboard and ask ourselves what we think of its user-friendliness."
- "We" is more inclusive and less confrontational. It also makes the reader feel like they are part of the process. Use "we", "ask ourselves" and "let us" to help the reader feel more involved.
Refactor long sentences.
- "After you have installed the package, you also want to make sure it has been added to the dependencies of your project, which could mean verifying it in package.json for a JS project, or requirements.txt for a python project, but make sure there is a separation between development and production dependencies." is an awfully long sentence and hard to follow. Refactor it into shorter sentences.
- Install the package, then add it to the dependencies of your project. For a JS project, verify it in package.json. For a Python project, verify it in requirements.txt. Ensure a separation between development and production dependencies.
Pick a consistent tone.
- "Now, this dashboard looks a lot prettier, right?" is very casual and informal. "This dashboard looks a lot prettier now, doesn't it?" is less casual but arguably still informal. Both of these sentences are conversational. They mirror how you speak, and they both end with asking a question. You wouldn't write that if you were writing a technical document, a paper, or a coursebook meant for students. If you would like a more formal tone, aim to end the statement with a period. "You may find that this dashboard looks prettier than the earlier version.".
- "Now that we have a model, how do we know it's not overfitting?" is a question (conversational, engaging). "Once we have obtained the model, we want to make sure it isn't overfitting" is a statement (non-engaging).
- A more formal tone doesn't try to engage the reader, it just presents the information. It doesn't ask questions, it just states facts. It also doesn't ask the reader to do anything, such as "ask yourself", or "let's take a look", or "by looking at the code snippet above, you will find that ...". It states facts, such as "the code snippet above shows that our refactored code is 2x shorter."
- There are no hard rules. Pick a consistent tone and stick to it. One might choose to be casual, conversational, formal, or even academic. Just be consistent.
- I could have written the preceding sentence in a different tone.If I were going for a more conversational tone, this is how I would have written the line above.
- Since there are no hard rules, you can pick any tone you like. You may choose a casual, conversational, formal or even academic style, but you want to stay consistent.
- Both convey the same message. The first one is more formal; the second one is more conversational.
Use bullet points to present lists and sequences.
- "After you have installed the package, you also want to make sure it has been added to the dependencies of your project, which could mean verifying it in package.json for a JS project, or requirements.txt for a python project, but make sure there is a separation between development and production dependencies." can be refactored into bullet points:
- Install the package, and add it to the dependencies of your project.
: verify it in
: verify it in requirements.txt- Note: Ensure a separation between development and production dependencies.
- It could also be written as a sequence:
- Install the package
- Add it to the dependencies of your project.
: verify it in
: verify it in requirements.txt
- Separate your development and production dependencies.
- Install the package, and add it to the dependencies of your project.
- "After you have installed the package, you also want to make sure it has been added to the dependencies of your project, which could mean verifying it in package.json for a JS project, or requirements.txt for a python project, but make sure there is a separation between development and production dependencies." can be refactored into bullet points:
Rule of thumb
'I apologize for such a long letter - I didn't have time to write a short one.' โ Mark Twain
Introduction comes last: Almost always rewrite your introduction after you've completed the rest of the article. It's easier to write an introduction after you've written the rest of the article. You have opportunities to assert your key points, and use the introduction to summarize your arguments and conclusions because you have completed the article.
The 25% rule: In most articles, you could remove the first 25% of the article and it would still have 100% information retention. The first 25% of most articles is padded with generic opening remarks. In the data science industry, the first 25% of most articles is usually about how we're all living in an era of big data with an ever-increasing rate of new tools, innovations, yada yada. It's a generic opening remark that isn't necessary. Whatever your first thought is, there almost certainly is a better way of formulating it using a more concise approach. Everytime you write your first draft of an article, ask yourself if you could have removed the first 25% of the article, or made it 25% shorter, with perfect information retention. If you can, you should.
Staying on-topic: It's easy to write a highly elaborate article, with lots of citations and references, and plenty of examples without actually answering the question. It's easy to write an article that is 100% on-topic, but 0% useful. It's also easy to write an article that is 100% useful, but 0% on-topic. You may want to solicit feedback early on in the writing process to ensure you're staying on-topic. You want to produce an outline for your article or content to solicit feedback from your editor before writing the article.
Writing is a social contract: By luring me in with your headline, or title, you're making a promise. "The Importance of Analytics in the Manufacturing Process" offers a glimpse at your expertise and insights in a sector you claim to know a lot about. That expertise is implied. It is implicit. You might end up writing something thoroughly useful, but if it isn't on point, it may tell me a lot about analytics and a lot about the manufacturing process, but you still fail to deliver on that initial, implicit promise. "Importance of analytics in the manufacturing process" is an offer. Relating to point (3), this is much harder than you think.
- Many articles asserting a claim fail to deliver on this social contract completely.
- Articles like "Generative AI will disrupt the gaming industry forever" make a very bold, and strong promise. It made a stronger implicit promise than "Potential of Generative AI for the gaming industry".
- More than half of the articles with such titles will fail to deliver on their promise and violate rule (3) as well. They think they're writing about the potential of Generative AI on the entire industry, but end up writing about the applications of Generative AI for a very specific use-case in the gaming industry, such as art asset creation, or character generation for a very specific type of game. Boring. Dishonest. This violates the social contract.
- Similarly, an article titled "The advantages of the modern data engineering stack" very often regurgitates content about data engineering, and possibly the use-cases, or some of the tools involved. It might even go into details about data engineering best practices, or make a compelling argument about cloud vs. on-premise data engineering stacks. But "advantages" is a promise: it's about cost; it's about speed and efficiency. If you can't quantify those, you are letting the reader down by making a promise you can't deliver on.
Be uniquely qualified to solve an unmet need: Write something that you can offer a unique perspective on. "Python or R" articles are boring, and there are 3,104,092 articles on that already. Why write the 3,104,093rd article on this topic? If you're writing about a tool (dbt, BigQuery, Tableau etc) what makes you uniquely qualified on that article over the 500+ articles on the vendor's official documentation and training portals? It's very competitive out there, so you want to offer something unique.
- It's easier to offer something unique by doing a fusion of two or more topics. "How to use dbt to build a data warehouse on BigQuery" has a bigger chance of being a unique perspective, than "How to use dbt". "A shallow network approach to Remaining Useful Lifecycle" offers a promise that draws me, as a reader, in more than "Remaining Useful Lifecycle in R".
- You have unique experiences, whether by working on a project individually or as a team, that you can bring into the article. This is a great way to offer a unique perspective. "Solving the unpredictable nature of water level on the Barito river in Kalimantan: Perspectives and Lessons" is highly unique, and if you worked on that project, you're more uniquely qualified than a MIT graduate or Harvard professor to write about it. If you struggle to provide unique perspectives, do fewer projects and spend more time immersing yourself in one or two domains. If you're haphazardly working on 10 projects (or learning 5 different technologies) in 2 weeks, you're not going to be well versed enough in any one specific domain to offer a unique contribution.
- When bringing your content into the world, start by asking yourself, "What is an article on which I'm in the top 1% of people uniquely qualified to offer my perspective?" Solve an unmet need.
Contributions from Supertype's writers
Stane Aurellius
Engage by anticipation: Engage the reader by anticipating their objections and questions; look to address these source of frustrations pre-emptively as you move through the article. In addition to showing your proficiency in the topic, this brings empathy to your writing and makes it more relatable.
Add variety in your writing: Use a variety of sentence structures; experiment with using humor and anecdotes (sparringly, and only when appropriate) if you adopt a more conversational style of writing. This avoid your writing from becoming monotonous or repetitive.
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